We are the global expert in reproductive grief care.

About Our Work

2.4 million

reproductive losses annually


experience mental health issues like

depression, anxiety, or PTSD

The Institute of Reproductive Grief Care focuses on addressing the often-overlooked grief from reproductive loss. We provide evidence-based education and resources to healthcare professionals, enabling them to deliver compassionate grief care reducing emotional trauma and improving maternal mental health.

Through our programs, the Institute supports clinics and hospitals in addressing the needs of women and families facing reproductive loss. We also work to bridge gaps through collaborative research projects with organizations representing diverse populations.

Our Vision

The Institute envisions a future where our evidence-based programs are broadly adopted by the healthcare community fostering a healthier future for all experiencing reproductive loss.

Our Values

We are known for our gentle, supportive, and inclusive approach. We personify compassion, embrace growth with humility, foster diverse partnerships, apply knowledge in transformative ways, and uphold honesty, trust, and excellence in everything we do.